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2024 - 2025

Biswas, S.; Zhao, R.; Alowa, F.; Zacharias, M.; Sharifzadeh, S.; Coker, D. F.; Seferos, D. S. Scholes, G. D. Exciton Polaron Formation and Hot-Carrier Relaxation in Rigid Dion-Jacobson-Type Two-Dimensional Perovskites. Nat. Mater. 2024.

Battaglia, A. M.; Grignon, E.; Liu, J. T.; Seferos, D. S. Mussel-Inspired Polymer Binders for Organic Electrodes. Small 2024.

Monfared, A. R.; Tuccitto, A. V.; Omranpour, H.; Rahman, S. S.; Zaoui, A.; Salehi, A.; Rezaei, S.; Rahmati, R.; Lotocki, V.; Seferos, D. S.; Park, C. B. Empowering PLA Bioplastics: Elevating Applications Horizon Through Groundbreaking Eco-Innovative Fibrillation, Chain Extension, and Crosslinking Techniques. Chemical Engineering Journal 2024.